This day just about wore me out! Even though it was the first day of ISTEP testing in my schools (which causes great amounts of stress), my own children had several needs to be met. So, here are the updates...
Allie- Allie had an appointment at the doctor to discuss recurring stomach aches. We determined that some of it may be related to her continued feelings of perfectionism and self-imposed stress. The other part of it we think is related to acid reflux. The good news is that Allie feels validated in knowing why her stomach hurts and that there is a plan to help with her upset stomachs. She was able to return to school today and feel okay. I hope that this discovery will help her this week as she has her violin recital on Friday.
Katie- This one came out of nowhere today... As you know, Katie has a fairly severe dairy allergy. While at the pediatrician today, she suggested a place called Allergy Associates of LaCrosse (as in LaCrosse, Wisconsin). They are licensed and board certified doctors who specialize in allergy and immunology. They determine the allergy and then do desensitization of the allergen. We can do the desensitization at home. They had a cancellation, so we will be able to go on March 19! It is a seven hour drive, but it could be life changing. I am thankful for my friends who have done something similar and experienced success with a removal of food allergies. We are now doing the unhappy task of gathering all of Kate's previous testing to try and avoid redoing similar tests. The goal is to make the first appointment very useful, so we can start the process. Friday, March 19 could start an end to food allergies for Katie.
William- This is something that has been such a burden for quite a while. William loves music but specifically, he loves drumming. Tonight he had his audition and instrument selection for 6th grade. The music department sends home a letter saying how difficult it is to be selected for percussion, because every sixth grade boy wants to be a drummer. I have fretted over this for months. What if William does not get selected? How will that crush his spirit? I have been praying in such a pitiful "mom" way. I have been asking God to please let William be chosen to percussion knowing how much we longs for it. Thinks are often so difficult for him, and he is already insecure. Please, God, let him get this!
When we arrived tonight, we were reminded that it is likely he will not be chosen. During the audition, William was awesome! He did far more than other auditions I watched. I walked away with a spring in my step thinking, "Thank you, God for answering my prayer! He has to be selected after that audition!" If trying out for percussion, it is required that you try other instruments. William definitely not interested... He tries trumpet, trombone, and baritone. The band teacher says several times how talented he is, how he can accomplish sounds that most new students cannot make, and more. She then offers to let him try French horn. She mentions that they do not let very many students try because it is so hard. He starts playing and does a great job. In fact, some of her descriptions were, "This is college money. He has a better ear than many high school students. He is smart and so naturally wonderful. If I could convince him to play anything it would be french horn, because very few can do it well." WOW. Now, here is the really amazing thing... Walking away from the night William says to me, "Mom, I will always play drums. I love it. Can't I take drum lessons and improve that skill but play French horn in the band? I think that I would miss drumming, but I would still do it all of the time. Maybe I should try the French horn and look at the future in drumming." This is what I love... God didn't answer my prayer that William get chosen to do percussion (although it looks like he will get that offer). God far exceeded my prayer in that He changed William's heart. How cool is that? I can stop worrying over William's hurt and pain at being rejected. His heart has been changed to not only accept something other than drumming but to celebrate it. Wow!