Recently I asked God if I was truly faithful in times of storms, or if I only celebrated Him because I have pretty great life.
Well, my family and I are being stretched, pounded, and challenged. Man, I should have watched my words! hah!
Although I cannot really share all that is going on, just a few highlights... our bank account was hacked; our van broke down and repairs equal about $3500; a project has proven to be far more complex, costly, and time draining than first planned; and this is just a few of the several issues in front of us.
My wonderful husband said it well today when he said this, "My body is tired from working on the project. My mind it exhausted from working on ______. My emotions are spent from this experience. I think the only thing holding me together at this point is my faith and my family."
A couple things that amaze me in this... first of all, we have so much for which to be thankful! We have a house, food, jobs, friends, etc. Our problems are so minor in the scope of others. I know that and freely acknowledge it. We can easily share one car... inconvenient- yes! End of the world- No! We negotiated costs, found another mechanic, chose which repairs are necessary versus can wait, etc. We are working things out with the bank. Other situations will either be repaired, accepted for what they are, or ??? Who knows what!
Second, God is choosing not to rescue us. He is allowing this to occur. I have to be honest, but I don't love my choices. I can either sit on the floor and cry, whine, and complain. Or, I can have joy in the process, respond in a way that is pleasing to God, and rely on Him to let me know the next steps. It is not very pretty, but I am wavering between my two options. In some times, I am keeping my eyes on God and looking forward. In a moment this afternoon, I wanted to defend myself (even when not being heard), cry (which I did do later), and actually not even be gracious. I know that Jon has been feeling some of these same feelings with regard to one of the other situations.
Instead, silence for now is the correct response. Prayer is the appropriate source for counsel. Waiting on the Lord (without being Lazy for the Lord) is the response we choose today.