Sunday, January 31, 2010

Birthday Kids 2

Well, with two kids on the same date, I need two posts! My sweet Kate was born at week 32 weighing in at 3 lbs and 2 oz. She did a great job and never needed to be put on the ventilator. She was just a tiny bundle of joy! Here she is on day one:
And a few days later...
Coming home at 3 lbs 13 oz
With her brother and sister for Valentine's Day
What do I love about Kate? She is almost always happy!
She has taught me patience and tolerance- particularly with illnesses. (This is the picture that helped define her dairy allergy.) UGH
She keeps me on my toes! She has eaten everything from fertilzer, tums, an ant, dog food, silica gel, and the list goes on... (I am so glad she does not put everything in her mouth anymore, but she is still an adventurer!)
She is the perfect balance of snuggly love and pure ornery! Look at this sweet face!
That's my Kate!

Birthday Kids

With the earthquake in Haiti, my illness, and two birthdays in one week, I feel like I didn't spend enough time really reflecting on my birthday kids and their journeys. So, if you don't like to read about how great my kids are, look away now! This, by the way, will take two posts... One for each child born on January 13.

Here is the first picture I saw of William. He came way too early at week 29 weighing 2 lbs 8 oz. He was transferred to a different hospital, so for the first five days I waited to see pictures of how he was doing.

Here he is the first day I held him:

Here he is at one month!

What do I love about William? His playful attitude. He can make me laugh all of the time!

His tough spirit... I think that kids is a deep soul who withstands a lot. (Pic: post eye-surgery)
His ability to look at things in a different light. This, to me, looks like a mess! To him, it is a challenge!
His sense of adventure... Boy, does he keep me on my toes!
He makes me a better parent, because he has introduced to a world of challenge, difficulties, and deep sensitivity (that he hides very well).
I love this kid!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I have to admit that I am feeling so sad about Haiti. I think of streets that I know. I think of the smells of Haiti. I think of buildings. Mostly though, I think of people. I think of so many sweet-faced children. I think of my friends the Pierres and Coblentzes.

I wonder how I am going to be of help. At first I was planning my trip to go. I was ready. In fact, part of me longs to be there... to feel like I am helping the hurt and broken. I know, though, that I am not going right now. I thought perhaps we would take in one of the so many orphaned children. To a request for homes for 300 children, over 5000 people responded! I have to say PRAISE GOD that these children are so wanted by so many! I have to admit that I was a bit sad, too. For some reason, I thought that by taking care of this one hurting and alone baby would make me feel like I was doing something to help. My family was ready.

I trust God and in His plan! With aftershocks happening all of the time (6.1 this morning!), more buildings are falling, more children are being orphaned, more loss is happening. God is bigger than all of this. I pray for the workers who must be so broken-hearted and weary. Praying for them to have strength and peace in the midst of devastation. Praying for Dianne Pierre and her children coming to the states for a time. Praying for Jared and Jalayne as they are caring for others. Praying that I would be ready to accept the call of God when He has a job he wants me to do and that I would move forward boldly!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A tough one...

This has been a tough one! My heart is so heavy with the weight of what is happening in Haiti. I think of friends there. I think of their needs. I think of the fight the Haitians have in them to survive!

Yesterday marked the first and last time I became a mom. My William, who was born at week 29, was born on January 13, 1999. My Kate, who was born at week 32, was born on January 13, 2006. Want to talk about fight? William in particular had to fight to live. I reflect on those days after his birth as the worst time in my life. I remember the doctor's words, "If your son survives this, he will have to fight. If he fights to survive, he will always be a fighter."

Those of you who know my William, boy, is he a fighter! Life has not been easy for him, and he usually chooses the difficult path. Isn't he a blessing, though? I just love that kid's smile and laugh.

When I think of the devastation that has hit Haiti, I think of my William. Haiti is a country of fighters! They are tenacious! And, like my William, they have tender hearts with a lot of love.

As I have watched the horrific images of people pulling others from the rubble, people carrying bodies down the street, and of the loss, I am heartbroken for their pain. My hope is that at the end of this pain, is a refining in their spirits that will bring glory to God. Much like I pray that God has big plans for William and that his sufferings were times of refining.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Resolutions or No Resolutions?

I am not a New Year's Resolution kind of girl. Actually, I am a seasonal resolution kind of girl. I usually set some goals in the fall, winter, spring, and then summer. I like breaking it down this way to make it more achievable. I also like to evaluate how I am doing and adjust as needed. It seems like my family goals for summer are a lot different than goals in the fall.

When setting my goals, I usually categorize them. I make goals for aspects of my life: social, spiritual, mental, financial, physical. I feel like the categories help me to be specific and intentional.

So, the real question is... Do I keep my resolutions (or goals) or do I break them weeks into them? I think I do better than if I didn't make any goals. I feel like I do have more focus.

I liked reading my friend's blog this week about One Word. She decided that rather than making any New Year's resolutions that she would claim one word for her year. She chose Deliberate. I like it! Since I haven't yet made my goals for the winter (well, I have made some but not on paper), I thought about this One Word concept. Could I really get rid of my seasonal and categorical goal-settings and go with just one word for an entire year?!

I have chosen a word: Balance! I need to have more balance in my life. Balance in time with God, husband, family, friends, work , etc. I need more balance in my spending. I need balance that allows me to incorporate more exercise. I need balance that gives me time to read. You get the idea... I have been a bit out of balance lately.

Where does this leave me? Well, I think I will continue setting my seasonal goals. I think I will keep my categories. I think I will have an overall vision when setting my goals and that vision is that I am trying to seek balance. Do my goals move me forward in that, or do they clutter the picture? Are my goals realistic, or would they create an imbalance in my life in order to achieve the goals?
